A Paws For Thoughts Marlys Fox's Monthly Commentary Happy Holidays y’all! Here's a confession that I'm certain I share with virtually every one of you. I was a bit concerned all through the fall months. You know those stretches when you have to hit a budget, and for a...

Here’s An Offshore Outsourcing Firm For Media Companies That Provides A Vast Array Of Services
One of the more interesting and innovative business models we've seen recently comes in the form of 032 Outsourcing, a firm that, as the name suggests, specializes in outsourced services to publishers. Outsourcing, of course, is a proven and cost-effective option for...
This Dynamic Speaker Urges Audiences To Be Seekers
They say life is a journey, and the broader your set of experiences, the more fulfilling that journey is, not to mention the wisdom you accumulate. This notion crossed our minds at a recent conference, where we enjoyed a keynote presentation from the motivational...
Keynote Speaker Brant Menswar: It’s All About Capturing The Truth In The Room
Brant Menswar is one of the country's most in-demand keynote speakers, and it's little wonder. He combines a winning, animated presentation that uses humor, passion, and even music to deliver important insights on business culture and personal actualization. His...
The Fox Team’s December Photo Page: Happy Holidays To All!
We're wrapping up 2024, reflecting on our big wins and our lessons learned—and most of all, we're looking forward to big opportunities in 2025. In this holiday edition of our monthly collection of photos, we share scenes from the late-year conferences, as well as a...
November’s Crop Of Photos From The Fox Associates Team’s Recent Travels
The Fox Associates team spent a big part of the last few months on the road, meeting clients and producing revenue for its media partners. Here, for our November update, are a selection of photos showing the range of events and partners. ...
Meet Fox Associates’ Newest Publishing Partner, The National Guard Association Of The U.S.
One of the best things about creating Fox Tales every month is learning about our partners' businesses and sharing them with the broader Fox family. After all, even though we welcome the competitive nature of the business, there is plenty of common ground where we can...
How One Association Is Helping Physicians Enhance Their Leadership Skills
Doctors occupy an extraordinary and inherent position of leadership. They're trusted by their patients for the most important life decisions. They're depended on by healthcare institutions. They're authoritative sources for the media. So it stands to reason that many...
CRM? Audience Management? Sales Ops? This Software Platform Has All That, And Lots More
These days, all media professionals know is that their success can be made or undone by the quality of their organization's technology. In fact, we wrote about this recently, just last month. But because things are changing so fast and technology is so critical, we...