We saw a headline recently on the Media Voices podcast website: “Strong advertising recovery sees subscription-only publishers reconsider ‘all ads are bad’ mantra” “For a couple of years now, we’ve been talking about how subscription revenue is more stable than...

Publishers Reflect On The Ups And Downs Of A Bumpy, Change-Laden 2021
The Alliance for Audited Media polled its publishing clients to learn more about their experiences in a very turbulent 2021, and found that the year was a decidedly mixed bag for those clients. On the plus side were the benefits of flexible work arrangements and...
The Million-Dollar Question For The Event Industry: Is Virtual A Permanent Disruption?
In August 2020, at the start of the pandemic, Rafat Ali, the founder of the travel-industry B2B brand Skift, wrote an essay that I thought was unusually insightful and forward-looking. It was called "The Event Industry Is Being Confronted By Its Napster Moment," and...
BPA Worldwide Approves A Standard For Text Message-Based Subscription Renewals
[This story first appeared on Mediapost.com] A third-party audience-audit agency has approved the use of text messages, also known as short message service (SMS) messages, for subscription renewals. The decision was made in December by the board of directors of the...