Will Conkis, a newspaper reporter and editor turned publishing director at the venerable Chicago Dental Society, has spent the last 20 years in charge of the society’s news-gathering operation. To be sure, he’s just the most recent head of publications in the...

2023 Ad Growth Predictions Scaled Back By Major Forecasters
By Tony Silber It’s been a couple of years now where many economists have predicted looming recession. And yet it hasn’t come. The U.S. economy remains stubbornly strong. Will we be able to say the same about the advertising world, where a new round of predictions...
Who Benefits When Social Gets Too Toxic? Smaller, Targeted Media Brands
By Tony Silber When the big media-buying conglomerates issued their ad-spending forecasts for 2023 early this month, the news seemed decidedly guarded. The economic outlook for the overall economy is clouded, the forecasters said, and because of that and other...
From All Of Us At Fox Associates To All Of You, Happy Thanksgiving!
This week, we enter the holiday season for 2022. Where has the year gone? It seems like the height of summer was just days ago. As we look forward in two days to setting aside our end-of-year business planning for a moment and gathering with our families and loved...
Get to Know a Fox: Marlys Fox, Fox Associates Founder And President
In sales as well as life, relationships mean everything. For sales in particular, if all other things are equal, marketers do business with the people they like. With all that in mind, we think this newsletter is the perfect channel for you to get to know us a little...
Two Top SRDS Executives Review The Challenging Media Landscape For 2023
SRDS—Standard Rate & Data Service—has served the media-buying world for 123 years, compiling a comprehensive set of facts about media brands across all channels, including digital, print, local, TV and radio, and more. The service provides not just demographics...
Farmers’ Almanac Managing Editor On ‘Planning Your Day And Growing Your Life’
It’s pretty rare indeed for a magazine to reach its 204th birthday. But this year, the Farmers’ Almanac did just that. Because of that longevity and even more so, because of its legacy of reflecting Americana in its most authentic form, Fox Tales recently took the...
A New Study Proves (Yet Again) That Context Matters For Ad Effectiveness
By Tony Silber The term “brand safety” is being used a lot these days as Twitter reels from the impact of its new owner, Elon Musk. In just a month, Musk, who paid $44 billion for the giant social network, has dramatically undermined advertising, the company’s main...
Advertising Outlook 2023: A View From The Frontlines
As we move into November, the media industry is in the thick of its budgeting and planning for next year. And 2023 is shaping up as a year that may contain some turbulence. The digital advertising boom has slowed, perhaps even gone backwards. And on a macro level,...
Lampooning ‘Brand Purpose’ Messaging
The brilliant and acerbic advertising industry opinion writer Bob Hoffman recently skewered the ridiculous ways that some brands engage in “brand purpose” messaging. Brand purpose, for the uninitiated, is a statement of a company’s values and essential reason for...