Assessing The State Of Association Media With A Veteran Of The Space, Robb Lee

Many of our Fox Tales readers work for associations, typically in the media and events departments. They live and breathe association media every day. They know of the unique and remarkable role they play for their members and the larger market. They also know that...

Fox Tales Catches Up With The World’s Foremost Magazine Expert, Samir Husni

For more than 30 years Samir Husni has been a tireless proponent of magazines—as works of art, as user-friendly forms of media, and as an industry. Samir spent 37 years as a professor of journalism at the University of Mississippi. He founded and produced the ACT...

Commentary: Giving Thanks To The Fox Family At Thanksgiving

By Marlys Fox THANKSGIVING  GIVING THANKS   It’s the same two words, both appropriate for this time of year, but switch the order and their meaning changes. This is a time of year to act on the things we should be doing regularly: Appreciating a lot of people...

Like It Or Not, AI Is Already A Daily Part Of The Media Industry

In ways that may be large or still small, artificial intelligence is part of our lives in new ways. Many of us are using it now, for sifting data, for doing research, for testing marketing concepts, for customer service, and lots more. Many more of us will be using it...