by admin | Jan 19, 2023 | Media
The world of Fox Associates extends far and wide, and in the course of the firm’s journey—and yours with them—you meet all kinds of people in media, from all kinds of realms. Call them “Friends of Fox.” Take Darley Newman, the award-winning multi-platform chronicler...
by admin | Jan 19, 2023 | Media
Content marketing, once known as custom publishing then custom content, now also marketing services and sponsored content, is the craft of using the tools of journalism to deliver marketing messages. It can include articles, full magazines and websites, extensive...
by admin | Jan 19, 2023 | Media
It’s prediction season, as indicated in one of this month’s other posts. Surveys, predictions, prognostications are all churned out, for better or worse, factual or fantastic. But we all can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears the major challenges for the...
by admin | Dec 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
Ah, the end of the year evokes many thoughts, both business and personal. Certainly it’s a time to put to bed some negatives. For the Fox team, it’s been a year of really hard work, as our clients and our marketing partners have reacted to almost constant media...
by admin | Dec 12, 2022 | Ad campaigns, Advertising, Manhattan Media, Marianna Morello, Marketing Agency, Uncategorized
For Marianna Morello, the journey to her current status as an industry icon started with a modest objection. She didn’t want to do a reverse commute. Morello is the founder and owner of Manhattan Media Services, a New York City-based direct-response marketing and...
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