We had a brief respite from traveling over the holiday break. But now we’re back on the road and glad to be out meeting old friends and new ones, networking, serving our customers, and ensuring that 2025 is a great year in media. Here’s a selection of our favorite recent pics.
Fox Associates Chief Growth Officer Bill Bell, and Fox CEO Marlys Fox visit with Fox Associates publishing partners Susan Coene, Co-Owner and President, Group C Media, Inc and Ted Coene, Co-Owner and President of Group C Media, Inc. at the MediaGrowth Summit in Miami.
Marlys Fox, CEO, and Steve Schwanz, COO, attending the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, one of the largest events in the dental industry.
Fox Associates’ Bill Bell along with Nick Pataro, Director of Sales, and Amber Estes, Client Implementation Specialist at the Aysling (AdOrbit) booth at MediaGrowth in Miami, February 4and 5.
Fox Associates Staff Accountant Sam Neusner recently attended his daughter’s graduation from the U.S. Army training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Congratulations to the Neusners!
Fox Associates President/CEO Marlys Fox with MediaGrowth’s Founder/CEO, Kathi Simonsen, left, February 4 and 5 in Miami. Fox was proud to be a sponsor of this event again this year.
Fox Associates Administrative Assistant Gabi Ortiz doubles as our on-staff handy-person!
Gathering at the Annual Society for Mining and Metallurgy Exploration (SME) MinEXPO in Denver, February 23-25 are: (L-R) Lynne Hatten, SME Media Sales Manager; Bill Gleason, SME Editor; Carrie Smith, SME Associate Editor; Bill Bell, Fox Associates; Tina Riley, Fox Associates; Dave Bayard, Mining Engineering Account Manager; Laura Lemos, Mining Engineering Account Manager.
Ana da Silva, Office Assistant; Marlys Fox, President and CEO; and Gabi Ortiz, Administrative Assistant; suited up for their work in the Fox Chicago Headquarters Office ‘Mission Control.’