One of the best things about creating Fox Tales every month is learning about our partners’ businesses and sharing them with the broader Fox family. After all, even though we welcome the competitive nature of the business, there is plenty of common ground where we can gain insights, ideas and inspiration. In that spirit we sometimes feature an introductory Q&A with some of our most recent publishing partners.
This month, we were pleased to connect with John Goheen, director of communications at the National Guard Association of the United States, which is the very newest and a highly-regarded Fox Associates partner publisher.

John Goheen.
NGAUS, in addition to being our newest partner, is also the nation’s oldest military association. Militia officers formed the group in 1878 to obtain better equipment and training by educating Congress on militia requirements.
Today, the organization has a membership of more than 40,000 Army and Air National Guard officers. NGAUS’ broader mission is to support the 450,000 current Guard men and women, their families, their employers and all Guard retirees. It publishes National Guard Magazine, which has a 6x frequency, along with other media offerings.
Membership is open to all those who hold or have ever held a warrant or commission in the Guard. Associate membership programs are available for enlisted personnel, family members, other Guard supporters and corporations. Read on for our full conversation.
Fox Tales: In terms of member support, what are NGAUS’s top issues today?
John Goheen: Improving National Guard equipment and benefits. It’s been our focus since then-militia officers formed the association. National Guard soldiers and airmen serve alongside their active-duty counterparts around the globe but often don’t have the same equipment and government-provided healthcare. NGAUS aims to fix that by petitioning Congress for more resources. It’s not a one- or two-year effort. But we will keep working these issues until National Guardsmen have equipment and benefits parity with their active-component brothers and sisters. We also work to improve the lives of National Guard retirees, the people who helped create the Guard we have today.
Fox Tales: How has the NG changed over time—say, the last 20 years, but also historically?
Goheen: Until recently, the National Guard was considered a strategic reserve. Today, the Guard is an operational force. The Army and Air Force cannot conduct its daily worldwide operations without contributions from the Guard, let alone major combat. On most days, the Guard, Army and Air, has units deployed to the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa. It increases the demands on our force, but most NGAUS members tell us they want to be participants in the nation’s defense not a break-glass-in-case-of-an-emergency defense force.
Fox Tales: As the NG has changed, how has your organization changed with it?
Goheen: After growing in size and structure during the decades following World War II, the NGAUS presence in Washington, D.C., has been constant over the last 25 years. We are headquartered just off Capitol Hill in the National Guard Memorial building, which opened in 1991. Our annual grassroots legislative-resolutions process that originates in the 54 independent state and territory Guard associations means our legislative action plan reflects the current requirements of our force.
Fox Tales: What are your priorities in the legislative or regulatory realm?
Goheen: Equipment and benefits parity with our active-component counterparts.
Fox Tales: Where does your print magazine fit in your galaxy of benefits?
Goheen: NGAUS established National Guard Magazine in 1947 to keep its members informed of association actions in Washington and other news that impact their careers, families and units. Communications technology has changed over the years. Today, NGAUS also has a website, an e-newsletter and a social-media presence. All are important in keeping our members informed and connected.
Fox Tales: Tell us how you came to hear about Fox Associates, and why you selected them as a partner.
Goheen: Fox Associates is a well-known leader in ads sales. We’ve been impressed with the success they’ve had with the Association of the United States Army. We were looking for new ideas and new directions. We believe Fox is a great fit.