Whew! October has been a busy month for the Fox Associates team–and for Fox’s many media-industry partners. In this issue’s monthly photo page, we get a sense of the scope of the media industry, and the fascinating brands that work with Fox Associates.
Patrick Carriglio, VP at Fox Associates, with Daniel Ulrich, Business Director at Turf Magazine, and Tina Riley, VP at Fox Associates, at the annual Equip Exposition in Louisville, KY. (Equip is the international landscape, outdoor living and equipment exposition, and was named last year to Trade Show Executive‘s Gold 100 list of the largest trade shows in the United States.)
Three women “looking at the world through rose-colored glasses” (or pink and red and yellow, to be more precise), and finding some interesting things! That’s Marlys Fox on the left. Next is Rachel Abel and then Melissa Carlson, from Des Moines’ 818—‘a tiny design empire’—which is working side-by-side with its client, Fox Associates, to come up with a plan to have a look at the Fox branding.

L-R: Krystal Kennedy, General Manager at Resource Recycling Inc., with Bill Bell, SVP Fox Associates, and Nani Kalakau, Content Manager at Resource Recycling Inc. They’re shown at the annual ESCRAP (aka Electronic Scrap) conference and trade show in Orlando, FL.
Deborah Reyes, Executive Director, Global Marketing & Strategic Communications, at AM General, with Bill Bell, SVP Fox Associates, at the AUSA (Association of the U.S. Army) Annual Meeting & Exposition in Washington D.C., October 14-16.
Julien Marigot, CEO of Ripagreen Thermal Weeding System, with Ripagreen Sales Representative Scott Swearingen and Fox Associates VP Tina Riley enjoying their time at the Equip Exposition.
Fox Associates VP Patrick Carriglio talks with Glock Government Contracts Manager Jermey Sims at the 2024 AUSA Annual Meeting and Expo in Washington D.C. A record 28,000-plus attendees browsed the aisles of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
Bill Bell, SVP Fox Associates, Susan Coene, President of Group C Media and Jen Goetz, Editorial Director Facility Executive while working the Annual IFMA (International Facility Management Association) World Workplace conference in San Antonio, TX.