Professionals for Association Revenue, the two-year-old membership organization, serves as an advisor and a resource for association leaders looking to optimize their revenue-growth strategies.

Jen Smith.
The group, called PAR, based in Towson, Maryland, has attained traction in its served market, with 200 member organizations. [Fox Associates is a proud member.] Accordingly, it has been expanding its services. In fact, last month it hired an experienced association pro to take on the role of executive program director. It announced the appointment of Jen Smith, a strategic thinker who brings a track record in program and project management. Smith, formerly director of SIIA’s Associations, Media & Publishing Network for two years, will provide a unique approach to the programs that PAR has ahead into 2024, highlighting both strategy and association performance. She’s tasked with focusing on strategies, resources and tools that will help PAR members drive revenue.
“The work ahead for association businesses requires a unique perspective that builds culture and centers around performance,” Sean Soth, PAR Leadership Advisory Board Chair, said in a press release. “Jen joins a community of exceptional association-business minds, and shares an award-winning background of quality and creativity from her work with [prior] associations.”
Smith, in the same press release, said “The PAR team and community has a unique energy that associations can learn and grow from, and I’m thrilled to join them.”
Fox Associates has an extensive background working with association revenue-producers on their media products, and knows Smith from her AM&P Network days. Naturally, we wanted to catch up with Jen to discuss her new role. Here’s an edited transcript of our conversation.
Fox Tales: As PAR executive program director, what are your immediate priorities?
Jen Smith: PAR has some incredible learning opportunities for association business pros now. The goal is to build on that foundation to create deeper learning experiences for professionals at different levels of the career ladder, from the C-suite to the sales team. In 2024, we’ll be introducing new resources and new programs that offer structured learning, on-demand tools, and in-depth content in the areas of strategic operations, sales training, and leadership for those driving revenue for their associations.
Fox Tales: Where do you see the low-hanging fruit in terms of association revenue growth? Does it come from media, events, or membership/donors?
Smith: The PAR Association Business Landscape Study shows us that membership and event registration lead the pack in generating revenue. The new growth opportunities lie in education programs, certifications, and career programs. There is also new value to be derived from legacy non-dues projects like sponsorship, exhibits and partnerships.
Fox Tales: What business-development resources do you see PAR offering to its served market?
Smith: In January, we’ll publish the Non-Dues Revenue Performance Study, which will provide insights in the approach, structure, impact and opportunities for non-dues sales in associations. We also plan to pilot cohort-learning opportunities as well as training series for director and team-level business-development professionals.
PAR will continue to provide its monthly workshops, biweekly member meet-ups, and the upcoming RevUP Summit, being held on December 6-7 in Annapolis.
Fox Tales: You’re probably uniquely qualified for this role in developing revenue strategies for associations. How does your background and experience influence your plans?
Smith: Associations exist to provide value to their members, whether that’s through advocacy, educational programming, communications or community. My career experience is in creating programs and products that deliver exceptional value to audiences and meet business objectives.
Fox Tales: How does PAR define success in its mission—what are the benchmarks?
Smith: PAR is the home for association business. We are a relatively nascent but fast-growing community focused on supporting the success of association teams with peer support, subject-matter experts and exclusive resources.
Fox Tales: Thanks Jen. Congratulations on your new role.